Agricultural Loans

This includes a whole range of Agricultural Value Chain Financing (AVCF).In this, all those actors involved in value addition from input suppliers to final product marketing etc


Nile Microfinance (U) Ltd makes funding intervention in the following areas:

  • Land preparation
  • Provision of quality seeds to nursery operators and farmers 
  • Financial and technical support to nursery operators
  • Supply of solar dryers
  • Transportation services
  • Marketing of farmer’s produce
  • Any other value chain needed and within our scope


  • Include marginal farmers in commercial farming
  • Increase rural household income
  • Provide employment opportunities in farming
  • Promote agricultural entrepreneurs in general

Target group:

  • Small scale farmers engaging in farming activities like crop farming (cultivation of vegetables, oil seed crops, and short yielding crops etc), poultry (layers and broilers) and fish farming (purchase of fingerlings and feeds) etc
  • Women and youth in particular