Educational Loans

We give loans for school/tuition fees and hostel rentals etc. The cost of education has increased beyond many people’s income and therefore need for such loans



  • If employed; evidence of employment (Appointment & confirmation letters, Latest pay slip, bank statement for the recent three months, latest pay slip, latest pass port size photos(2) and personal guarantor
  • If doing personal business; reliable cash flow projection of the business, personal guarantor(s) and some acceptable collateral
  • Provided to persons above 18years of age

NB: Nile Micro Finance (U) Ltd have a lot promising testimonies regarding availability of educational loans


  • Ordinary business persons
  • Primary and secondary school employees, nurses and private sector employees

The cost of education has increased beyond many people’s income. Secondary and tertiary education is too expensive to afford for the ordinary person without loan facility. Nile Micro Finance ably bridges the gap by providing affordable loan for human capital development for all levels of education.